
TESNA APP (hereinafter referred to as "APP" 

or "Application") is an APP product provided 

by Tesna (Shenzhen) Technology Co., LTD. (h

ereinafter referred to as "we" or "our compa


We take user privacy very seriously. When yo

u use our products and services, we may coll

ect and use information about you. Through 

this Privacy Policy, we want to explain to you 

how we collect, use, store and protect this in

formation when using our services, and how 

we provide you with access to, update, contr

ol and protect this information.

This Privacy Policy is closely related to our ser

vices that you use, please be sure to read it ca

refully before using the APP, and use our prod

ucts and services after confirming full underst

anding and consent. Once you begin to use o

ur products or services, it means that you hav

e fully understood and agreed to this policy.

一、How do we collect and use your information

1.1 Information you provide to us

We will collect and use your personal informa

tion as required by this Policy, for example, wh

en you register for an account, we will ask you 

to provide personal information, such as your 

email address, telephone number, which will b

e stored under your account name. If you wan

t to make full use of the various third-party sh

aring or login functions we provide, you may a

lso need to obtain some information that your 

third-party account allows us to obtain, includ

ing third-party accounts and avatars. Other inf

ormation such as log information, local storag

e information, taking photos/videos/recording

s, WiFi information, reading or modifying stora

ge information, etc. The purpose and purpose 

of collecting and using such information are d

etailed in the following description. We will ad

opt compliance technology to encrypt and sto

re the information you expressly consent to to 

protect the security of your personal informati


1.2 The purpose and use of the information we

 obtain from you in the course of using the Services

We collect information about the services you 

use for purposes and purposes including: log 


When you use our Services, we automatically 

collect certain information and store it in ser

ver logs or write it to external storage device

s on your phone. Such information includes:

When an error occurs when an application u

ses the service or an exception occurs when 

an application crashes during operation, we 

will write the error log to external storage, a

nd users can choose whether to send it to us.

2. How do we store your Personal Information

We will store users' personal information col

lected in China in accordance with laws and r

egulations, and will not transfer your persona

l information overseas, unless required by reg

ulations or otherwise obtained your express c

onsent. We retain your personal information o

nly for the period necessary for the purposes 

described in this Privacy Policy and as long as 

required by law and regulations. We use a vari

ety of security technologies and procedures to 

protect against loss, misuse, unauthorized acc

ess or disclosure of information. For example, 

in some services, we will utilize encryption te

chnologies (such as SSL) to protect the perso

nal information you provide. However, please 

understand that due to technical limitations 

and possible malicious means, in the Internet 

industry, even if we do our best to strengthen 

security measures, it is impossible to always e

nsure 100% security of information.

How do we share, transfer and publicly disclos

e your personal information


We do not share your personal information with 

any company, organization or individual, except 

in the following cases:

1. With your express consent, we will share your 

personal information with other parties.

2. We may share your personal information in a

ccordance with laws and regulations, litigation d

ispute resolution needs, or as required by admin

istrative and judicial authorities in accordance wi

th law.

3. Within the scope permitted by laws and regula

tions, it is necessary to share your personal infor

mation in order to protect our related parties or 

partners, you or other users or social public inter

ests, property or safety from damage.

4. Sharing between affiliates: When our affiliates 

provide services to you or to us, we may share y

our personal information with our affiliates. How

ever, we only share necessary personal informati

on, and the processing of your information by af

filiates is subject to this policy. If the affiliated co

mpany wants to change the purpose of processi

ng your personal information, it will again seek 

your authorization and consent.

5. Share with partners: We will only do so if it is 

lawful, proper, necessary, specific, explicit and f

or the purposes stated in this Policy. With your 

express consent, we will share necessary perso

nal information (or the text message or call num

ber you report) with our suppliers, service provid

ers, consultants, agents, third-party advertisers, a

pplication developers, open platforms, or other 

partners. Or aggregated information, anonymized 

information, or other information that does not p

ersonally identify you (for example, we may tell ap

p developers how many people have installed the

ir apps). To provide better customer service and u

ser experience. These suppliers, service providers, 

consultants and agents may provide us with tech

nology infrastructure services, analyze how our s

ervices are used, measure the effectiveness of ad

vertising and services, provide customer service a

nd payment services, conduct academic research 

and surveys, or provide legal, financial and techn

ical advisory services. For example, from time to 

time, we may invite you to participate in a sweep

stakes. If you are lucky enough to win, we will ne

ed to provide your personal information to the lo

gistics service provider in order to send you our p

rize or arrange for a partner to provide the servic

e. All of our partners do not have the right to use 

the shared personal information for other purpos

es unrelated to the products or services.

6. We will sign strict data protection agreements w

ith the companies, organizations and individuals w

ith whom we share personal information, requiring 

them to process personal information in accordanc

e with our instructions, this policy and any other re

levant confidentiality and security measures.


We will not transfer your personal information to a

ny other company, organization or individual, except 

in the following circumstances:

1. With the development of our business, we and ou

r affiliates may enter into mergers, acquisitions, asse

t transfers or other similar transactions. If the relevan

t transaction involves the transfer of your personal in

formation, we will require the company, organization 

and individual who newly holds your personal inform

ation to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwi

se we will require the company, organization and indi

vidual to obtain your authorization and consent again.

2. Meet the requirements of laws, regulations, legal p

rocedures or mandatory government requirements o

r judicial rulings.

3. Transfer with your explicit consent, that is, after ob

taining your explicit consent, we will transfer your pe

rsonal information that we have obtained to other pa


Make public

We will only publicly disclose your personal informati

on in the following circumstances:

1. We have obtained your express consent.

2. We may publicly disclose your personal information 

in the case of laws, legal procedures, lawsuits or mand

atory requirements of government authorities.

3. Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, 

it is necessary to disclose your personal information in 

order to protect our affiliated parties or partners, you 

or other users or social public interests, property or sa

fety from damage.

4. Other circumstances provided by laws and regulations.

5. According to the law, the sharing and transfer of de-id

entified personal information, and ensuring that the data

 recipient cannot recover and re-identify the subject of p

ersonal information, does not belong to the external sha

ring, transfer and public disclosure of personal informati

on, and the storage and processing of such data will not 

need to notify you and obtain your consent.

Third party SDK Information

SDK name and vendor usage Share information content

Tencent Bugly log collection analysis AndroidID, MAC add


Tencent QQ/ wechat SDK friends, circle of friends, QQ sp

ace share AndroidID, MAC address

APP behavior optimization analysis IMSI, IMEI, AndroidI

D, MAC address, installed apps

Google Maps headphone location Find AndroidID, MAC 

address, device serial number, direction sensor, GPS curr

ent location

4. How do we handle minors' personal information

We attach great importance to the protection of minor

s' personal information. We do not make age identificati

on a prerequisite when providing products or services to 

users, but the nature of our products and/or services req

uires that you should be an adult with full civil capacity. I

f you are a child or other minor under the age of 18, we 

ask that you ask your parent or other guardian to read th

is Privacy Policy carefully and use our services or provide 

information to us with the consent and supervision of yo

ur parent or other guardian. If you collect or submit pers

onal information of minors to us through our products a

nd/or services for the purpose of interacting with childre

n, you must ensure that you have obtained the prior aut

horization of their legal guardian.

V. Changes and revisions to the Privacy policy

Our Privacy policy is subject to change. We do not limit yo

ur rights under this Privacy Policy without your express co


We will also provide significant notice of material changes 

to this Privacy Policy (for example, when the APP is revised 

or upgraded, or when you log in again, a timely notificatio

n in the form of a pop-up).

Six, how to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or comp

laints about our privacy Policy and the treatment of your pe

rsonal information, please contact us by using the following 


Contact email:

Vii. Effective privacy policy

This policy version is updated on November 1, 2023 and will 

come into effect on November 1, 2023.